Pitchy Patchy GALA Night
Pitchy Patchy
US$ 35.00

About this event

Pitchy Patchy is an outrageously hilarious satirical theatre revue. It brings together some of Jamaica’s most popular social media influencers with some known theatre and film actors. It’s a comical revue, exploring the natural mysticism surrounding what it means to be JAMAICAN. The things we say, the things we do and the way we relate to each other.

It brings two different patches together. It is an intersection of social media (the new proscenium) and traditional Jamaican theatre. It is a 2 Act revue that traverses sociopolitical commentary, popular culture and Jamaican myths.

The stories may be pitchy (mystical) but the it is brought together by patches (the people) of brilliance. It is half live performances and half on-line skits that will all be executed within the same period.

Pitchy Patchy GALA Night
Pitchy Patchy
                                                                                                                           Pitchy Patchy is a Jamaican Jankunu festival figure.
One of the original figures of Jamaican carnival, Pitchy Patchy is usually represented by a suit made of tattered, colorful pieces of cloth. Pitchy Patchy's role in the carnival is to keep masqueraders and the surrounding crowd in order by cracking a cattle whip.  According to Edward Long, the character originated from Akan festivals in celebration of John Canoe; the Ashanti commander became Pitchy patchy, wearing battledress with what would resemble charms, referred to as a "Batakari".
This event has expired.
Date and Time
Start From Feb, 21 2023 To Mar, 13 2023
  • Philip Sherlock Centre
  • St. Andrew Parish
  • Kingston , Jamaica
  • From 10:00 AM to 6:00 PM (GMT) -05:00
Add to Calendar 02/21/2023 10:00 AM 03/13/2023 6:00 PM -05:00 Pitchy Patchy GALA Night Pitchy Patchy Philip Sherlock Centre , St. Andrew Parish , Kingston , Jamaica
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